Exaggerated, funny yet truthful.

Tanya’s Score: Good*

Rated: PG-13

Starring: The Ghost Whisperer; Coyote and four actors from Six Feet Under

Plot: Comedy mayhem ensues when high school seniors attend a party on graduation night.

Tanya’s Verdict: Despite the fact that this movie is hilarious and silly – at times it really is quite truthful. In less than two hours, this film displays the exaggerated microcosm encapsulating the North American high school experience.

There are the popular kids, the followers, the band geeks, the science nerds; then you have the nerds seeking revenge, the under-the-radar nice guy trying to catch the eye of the hottest girl at school, and two once-upon best friends trapped in a bathroom together.

For whatever reason, the movie works and holds up to this day.

*Four score descriptions: Sh**; Okay; Good; Great

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