Dull and uninspired.

Tanya’s Score: Okay*

Rated: PG

Starring: Mrs. Goldberg, Dr. Ken, It boy and a talking dummy (no – I’m not referring to Jack Black)

Plot: When two boys happen upon an old ventriloquist’s dummy, little do they know it will come to life setting in motion Halloween-themed chaos within their town.

Tanya’s Verdict: I enjoyed the first Goosebumps movie – as did my family. This time around, it was just me, my son and his friend watching it. The kids seemed to like it just fine but in all honesty, this second instalment was dull with an uninspired plot. Come next week, I’ll be hard-pressed to remember any details about it. Although I did laugh out loud near the end when Jack Black’s R.L. Stine character makes a crack about the movie It. The good news is, it’s just scary enough to give little kids a bit of a PG thrill; the bad news is Goosebumps 2 is as mediocre as an ABC movie of the week.

*Four score descriptions: Sh**; Okay; Good; Great