Charming, funny and occasionally tear-inducing.

Tanya’s Score: Good*

Rated: PG-13

Starring: Iron Man, Mrs. Bacon, Heidi Fleiss’s “john”

Plot: Four guardian angels (Charles Grodin, Kyra Sedgwick, Tom Sizemore and Alfre Woodard) become attached to a baby (Robert Downey Jr.) at the time of his birth and soon realize they must rely on his help in order to move forward into the Great Beyond.

Tanya’s Verdict: This movie isn’t particularly ground-breaking or amazing – but it is charming, funny and occasionally even tear-inducing. I saw this one in the theatre in 1993 and enjoyed it then. While it’s a tad dated now in the sense that it takes its sweet time introducing the characters and getting to the gist of the plot – your patience will pay off. If you are looking for a cute movie to watch as a family – I whole-heartedly suggest Heart and Souls.

Four score descriptions: Sh**; Okay; Good; Great