Strange. Interesting. Unique. I still don’t know if I liked it.

Rated: 14A

Starring: hands-in-pocket Colin Farrell, cool cucumber Nicole Kidman

Plot: The strange friendship between a heart surgeon (Farrell) and a teenage boy (Barry Keoghan) begins to unravel when the boy’s intentions become clear and the surgeon realizes his family is at stake.
*Note: I hesitate to provide more detail in this plot description because for me – one of the most interesting parts of this film was trying to make sense of it.

Tanya’s Verdict: Strange. Interesting. Unique. These words definitely come to mind regarding The Killing of a Sacred Deer – but not until after the movie has ended and I’ve been able to reflect upon what I’ve just been put through. The movie portrays themes of justice and sacrifice without the typical attached strings of humanity. Performances are cold and calculated and delivered with little to no emotion – for good reason. In fact, you can count on one hand the times that any character displays emotion throughout the movie (and it’s mainly Farrell). The movie drew me in with its intrigue (What the hell is going on?!), continued to confuse and perplex (The fuh?!) and by the time I could wrap my head around what was happening I was invested enough that I needed to see it through to its conclusion.

If you enjoy a cinematic experience that isn’t necessarily light, simple and straightforward; if you don’t mind knowing if you’ve liked or disliked a film after watching it; if you’ve seen The Lobster (2015) and Dogtooth (2009) and weren’t left angry and confused, then definitely watch The Killing of a Sacred Deer. Otherwise, give it a pass.