Tanya’s Score: Great*
Rated: 14A
Starring: David Addison; Keenan Feldspar; a New Kid On The Block; the amazingly talented Toni Collette
Plot: A child psychologist (Bruce Willis) tries to help a troubled child who can communicate with ghosts (Haley Joel Osment).
Tanya’s Verdict: I’ve been blown away by this movie each time I watch it. Sure it’s contrived and manipulative – but all to good effect. And it’s not just any movie that has me eagerly re-watching it so I can painstakingly pinpoint each cinematic trick leading my mind in one specific direction.
Bruce Willis is hot, Haley Joel Osment is passable, Toni Collette is a scene-stealer and there is not one moment that lags in this movie.
*Four score descriptions: Sh**; Okay; Good; Great