An illuminating and entertaining documentary.

Tanya’s Score: Good*

Rated: PG

Starring: the genuine, the one-of-a-kind, the ultimate goody-two-shoes – Mr. Rogers

Plot: A documentary looking at the lessons, views and life of children’s television host, Mr. Rogers.

Tanya’s Verdict: I must admit, as a child I was never particularly fond of this show. For some reason, it just didn’t resonate with me. I was more of a Sesame Street and Polka Dot Door kind of girl. But watching this documentary as an adult, the views of Fred Rogers really speak to me now. His views toward children came from a genuine concern and affection for them. After watching this documentary, I came away with the realization of how many of Mr. Rogers’ shows were deliberately created to help children emotionally deal with various events happening in present-day society (the assassination of Bobby Kennedy; racism; the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger). This sneak-peek into the life and views behind MisteRogers’ Neighborhood was definitely an interesting and illuminating one. If you were a fan of the show, I highly recommend it. Even if you weren’t – it’s a worthwhile documentary.

*Four score descriptions: Sh**; Okay; Good; Great