“Perpetually frazzled writer/mother and movie lover who enjoys doing laundry, cleaning house and driving kids around in her spare time.”
This is how I describe myself online when asked. All joking aside – it’s pretty damned accurate. Another lifetime ago – “writer” was my key descriptor – it’s what I enjoyed, what I did in my spare time and what I brought forward into my choice of profession.
Then motherhood hit like a typhoon and took over – slowly but surely edging “writer” into the far corners of my life. Writing became a much more sporadic and precious activity – there was plenty of material around me – just limited time and even less moments of inspiration to sit down and put thoughts to paper or screen.

Fast forward 13 years – kids are growing, time is passing and “writer” has had enough of being a wallflower. She has risen back up to the foreground but rather than pushing “mother” down, she is generously sharing the limelight with her.
And this brings me to my newest baby – Pencils and Popcans. This creation is the inspiration I need in order to write consistently – and will blend my two best selves of “mother” and “writer“. Maybe in the process, something I write or have written will resonate with a reader; inspire them; encourage them; spark a conversation.
Or maybe not. Whatever.
More about Pencils and Popcans
Pencils and Popcans consists of the three things that I find most interesting in life: a main topic of conversation (often revolving around lifestyle and parenting issues sometimes infused with my love of all things 80s and pop culture), movies and recipes.
This website has come into creation due to my lofty goal of writing on a much more regular basis. My ambitious plan is to write a post that may be personal or not, light or not, something revolving around parenthood, pop culture, life in general – or not. Basically, anything that strikes my damn fancy.
My hope is that something I write or have written resonates with someone else – possibly inspiring, encouraging, sparking a conversation and maybe even emboldening them to pass it on. Enjoy.