Yesterday (2019)

Well I ushered in my first big disappointment of the summer. After having seen the trailer for this one, I eagerly anticipated Yesterday. It seemed to have a lot going for it – which only made it more of a bummer. Don’t get me wrong – it’s not awful but continue reading below for more…

Aladdin (2019)

Another live-action Disney movie come to life which meant the kids and I had to go and see it. The good news is that it’s a pretty good movie – it has a bit of everything: action/adventure, comedy, horror, drama and romance. The bad news is that it just isn’t anything all that special. I…

Rocketman (2019)

When I saw the trailer for this on the heels of Bohemian Rhapsody’s critical acclaim, I thought it would pale in comparison. But not only does it shine with its own distinct light, it’s a pretty darned good movie to boot. And even though I’m not generally a huge fan of musicals – I really…

Ma (2019)

My girls were bugging me to see this and I have to admit – I was on the fence (about wasting $11 on a ticket). But in the end, I tagged along – and was pleasantly surprised. Oftentimes, these movies geared toward teenagers are dumb and lazy. But not this one. It also makes use…

Booksmart (2019)

I’ve been watching Beanie Feldstein’s career take off for the past year or so and most recently enjoyed her turn as a new vampire on the FX series What We Do In The Shadows. So when this movie first popped up on my radar, I made a mental note that it would probably be worth…

Shazam (2019)

I hesitated with this one – because I just don’t go for the superhero movie genre. But in the end, all the buzz got the better of me. Question: When is a movie about a superhero not actually a superhero movie? When it’s Shazam. Tanya’s Score: Good-and-a-half* Rated: PG Starring: that Chuck guy; that It…

Pet Sematary (2019)

Don’t let this movie scare you away from the book – it is, quite honestly, one of the best books I have ever read. The movie just doesn’t do it justice. But I am hopeful, that given another few years, a different screen writer, another director – that they will get it right. Tanya’s Score:…

Gloria Bell (2018)

Tanya’s Score: Good-and-a-half* Rated: 14A Starring: George-Michael; the Jesus; a Goonie; Julianne Moore Plot: An intimate portrait of a 50-something divorcée (Moore) as she seeks connections within her life. Tanya’s Verdict: I saw the original Chilean movie this one is based on [Gloria (2013)] five years ago and though time has passed, if memory serves…

Us (2019)

If you enjoyed Jordan Peele’s debut horror film Get Out (2017), then my prediction is that you’ll also like this one. The first part is definitely more tense and creepy than the second part – but together it works as a whole. You may never look at your family the same after this one. Tanya’s…

Greta (2018)

Dark and simple – Greta is one of those films that burrows into your brain long after it’s over. Scary movies don’t require bells and whistles – this one proves that all it takes is a creeping and intense storyline, some fine acting and a bit of haunting music. And there you have it –…