I wanted to write an article focussing on compassion, kindness and friendship – and to do this subject justice, it would have to be about a man named Todd* (*not his real name). It needed to be about Todd. It’s taken me 25 years to realize that compassion can be a puzzling human emotion. Even…
Are My Kids Happy? I Couldn’t Care Less
Are my kids happy? Honestly – I haven’t a clue — and frankly – who the hell cares? Happiness as a way of life is overrated. And as a relatable concept, happiness is a lot more complex and confusing than we are led to believe. Yet here I am – beating my head against the…
The Invisible Woman: A journey from youth to invisibility and beyond
I’ve turned invisible – which definitely has its advantages. Case in point – I wear pyjamas for almost the whole of winter – which is pretty much the next best thing to full-on hibernation. As a result of this recently acquired superpower, I’m also privy to some interesting conversations. Standing on the playground waiting for…
Share Your Stories – Because They’re All You Have
I love me a good story. My friends know this about me – they’ll call me up and start the conversation with: “Wait till you hear this one . . . “ or “Something happened today that I know you’ll appreciate”. The weird, the funny, the creepy – it doesn’t matter – I love them…
Baby It’s Cold Outside – So Bundle Up
Negative 15 outside? No problem. Nothing a warm hat, fur-laden mittens, woolen scarf, frost-proof snowpants, puffy ski jacket and lined boots won’t cure. And if my 14-year-old refuses these accoutrements – then that’s her business. Just as it was my business 30 years ago to eschew warm winter boots for thin, fake-leather, shoes and forgo…
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Bitchmas!
It’s been two Christmases without Aunt Pat – which means it’s been two Christmases without Aunt Pat’s inevitable January email aptly entitled “Merry Bitchmas”. In this email, she would vent unabashedly about all the petty annoyances that had plagued her throughout the holidays: the lineups at the mall, the overcooked turkey, the chipping of favourite…
In Case I Die Tomorrow: 13 Guidelines For My Kiddos
I won’t go so far to say that I have this parenting thing figured out — but I do believe I have a handle on it for now. My three are coming along quite nicely if I do say so myself. Every time I peek into the oven, they seem to be browning up just…
Dear Parents: You’re All Annoying
I hate to be judgemental – but I can’t help it – I just AM. Everyone has specific idiosyncrasies or behaviours that just bug them, rub them the wrong way, that they prefer to steer clear of. When it comes to other parents in my midst – these are the four I do my best…
When Darkness Falls
“. . . Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight – – Got to kick at the darkness ’til it bleeds daylight.” – – Bruce Cockburn What we do know is that the darkness does not discriminate. It can seep in and get the better of any one of us – the young…
Life With Three – A Fine Balance
Which of my three children do I love the most? The answer to this question will vary – depending on who you ask – and whether or not one of them is currently banned from electronics when you do the asking. Forget about the middle child getting a bum rap – it’s the parents that…