Be prepared – that final scene is just as haunting as it was in my memory.

Tanya’s Verdict: Okay-and-a-half*

Rated: 14A

Starring: Kiefer’s dad; The Fly; Spock

Plot: Strange seeds from outer space float down to earth, turn into pods and duplicate people one by one.

Tanya’s Verdict: I saw this as a kid and all that I remembered of it was the final scene. In my memory, that final scene was the stuff of my nightmares. And despite the fact that this movie is dated in terms of special effects and slow-moving plot – that final scene – oh man – it still holds up. It is still scary as sh**.

One of my kids stopped watching about 20 minutes before the end – declaring it boring. While I don’t necessarily agree – I can definitely see where they were coming from. The other two enjoyed it, watched it until the end, and will be haunted by that final scene until their end of days.

*Four score descriptions: Sh**; Okay; Good; Great

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