Tanya’s Score: Good-and-a-half*

Rated: 14A

Starring: Ms. Hannigan; Zoolander; Roland Schitt

Plot: A man (Ben Stiller) looks up the girl (Cameron Diaz) he had a crush on back in high school and complications arise while they  pick things up where they left off.

Tanya’s Verdict: This movie is hilarious – not only for its over-the-top moments including: Stiller’s teenage zipper injury, Matt Dillon’s attempt at canine resuscitation and Mary’s usage of hair gel. But for the smaller moments that if you blink – you may miss. Such as the hitchhiker’s (played by scene stealing Canadian Harland Williams) reaction to Stiller’s business suggestion and Chris Elliott’s gradual plague of hives.

It’s just as funny as it ever was. And while the kids enjoyed it too – they didn’t think it was as uproarious as I did. Maybe because they haven’t had the benefit of reminiscing over this gem these past 20+ years.

*Four score descriptions: Sh**; Okay; Good; Great

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