Welcome to Pencils and Popcans . . .

. . . and thank you for clicking on my very first post ever for Pencils and Popcans. I hate to disappoint – but it’s just a general welcome and thank you. As most of my friends already know – I have recently ventured back into the world of writing. And for the past 18 months have made it my personal and professional business to research and write about various topics pertaining to pregnancy, infancy and parenting. As enjoyable as this was for me, it has run its course.

So onward and upward to more diverse and personal pastures – my current goal is to write on a consistent basis about various topics that pertain to parenting, pop culture, and life in general. Feel free to subscribe, like what you read, hate what you read, provide a comment and/or contact me directly. If my writing affects you in any way – then I will be tickled pink.

Stay tuned for my very first (real) post – which will arrive shortly to kick things off. While it takes the form of an obituary, I consider it a personal essay about an important person in my life – I only wish she was here to read the words I have written.

Thank you to my friends and acquaintances for your sometimes loud, sometimes quiet encouragement, your kind and sometimes constructively critical words and for your clicks and shares. . . they are all greatly appreciated and have not gone unnoticed.
