Car Ride From Hell Becomes Food Court Bliss

It was Saturday – late morning – I was neck deep in dirty laundry and the riveting Netflix show The Stranger. Only one episode left and it would all make sense . . . hopefully. My daughters needed (read: wanted) to go to the mall. One needed (read: wanted) new shoes and the other needed…

My Kids Enjoy Sports – But Do I Really Have to Watch?

On a dark and cold winter’s night, I can think of other things I’d rather be doing than shivering on a frigid bench in a musty arena with the unflattering glare of overhead lights shining down upon me. Come summertime, nothing makes a long, lazy day even longer than having to sit on uncomfortable bleachers…

Family Dinner

It was dinner time. And we had a guest. Cousin Sarah was staying with us while she attended a work conference nearby. I decided to try out a new meal – I took chicken breasts and made slits in them and then jammed some colourful veggies into said slits. Veggies like strips of bell pepper,…

Even Cool Parents Have Embarrassed Kids

I thought I was the cool mom. I thought wrong. Sure, I’m a tad strict and I sometimes over-react. But still. I wear the coolest t-shirts around. I can dab. I can kinda/sorta floss. Oh yeah – and I’m hilarious. Lately, I’ve discovered just how un-cool I am. In fact, I’m apparently a downright, straight-up embarrassment.…

Attention Obnoxious Hockey Parents: Chill Out

Hockey season is in full swing once again with kids of all ages and sizes skating their little hearts out – while many a parent sits in the stands clutching desperately onto their own pipe dream of their child making it big in the NHL. A new season means a new crop of players, a…

Zen Diaries and the Art of Raising Kids

I just finished watching the 2018 documentary The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling and I just can’t shake it. This two-part series paints a portrait of Shandling – a hilarious, brilliant, hard-working man – who also happens to be tortured, haunted, neurotic. A man, who at 66 – was never quite capable of getting over…

The BiWay Bag

According to my oldest daughter – I’m a complete and utter embarrassment. So-called for a mixed-bag of unintentional and somewhat deliberate reasons. Case in point: my wardrobe (who knew that t-shirts emblazoned with Scott Baio could reap such mortification), my naturally greying hair, my inevitable progression in years (both very much unintentional); or the time…

Darius Fitzgerald: A Remarkable, Beautiful, Miraculous Life

An Update On Darius Fitzgerald: Every few months, Darius Fitzgerald undergoes a sedated MRI in order to monitor his many tumours caused by neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2). One of his most recent scans revealed an aggressive tumour growing on his spine that was also wrapped around his vertebral artery. His medical team needed to act…

Jumping Off Bridges (and other instances of parenting peer pressure)

If your friends all jumped off a bridge – would you do it too? Remember when your parents uttered this phrase to you in the hopes that you would actually put some individualized thought into your actions and behaviour? I can’t even count how many times I’ve said this very same phrase to my own…

A Little Birdie Told Me . . .

A little birdie told me to stop sitting in my favourite summer time perch – on my front porch with my feet up and dumb dog below. It’s my favourite spot as it looks out over my quiet street and the forested area beyond and I’m partially obscured by my wee lilac tree so no…