Dear Golden Girls – Thank You For Being a Friend

Before there was Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda – there was Blanche, Dorothy, Rose and Sophia. These four ladies – the OG Sex and the City, if you will – may have had more miles on their engines and lines on their faces than Carrie and her crew but there was nothing these silver-coiffed beauties…

Zen Diaries and the Art of Raising Kids

I just finished watching the 2018 documentary The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling and I just can’t shake it. This two-part series paints a portrait of Shandling – a hilarious, brilliant, hard-working man – who also happens to be tortured, haunted, neurotic. A man, who at 66 – was never quite capable of getting over…

Dear Evan Hansen

A few months ago, my middle daughter asked me to read a book of hers. It was a young adult novel called Dear Evan Hansen – and up until that point in time, it wasn’t on my radar. But the fact that my kid read it and it meant so much to her that she…

Taylor Swift: Reputation Review (Guest Post)

If you’re a working mom like me, then I am not sure how much you are paying attention to popular culture.  And if so – are you tracking the public feuds between musician artists?  Do you even know what I’m talking about?  Are you aware that Kanye West and Kim Kardashian have a very public…